I have been looking in SL for a scripted book, when you touch the book the pages turn. I have finally found the scripted book (shown below) at THiNC SL.
THiNC Book 2.0 (image retrieved Feb.3/08 from: http://thincsl.com/category/products/)
The THiNC Book is an extremely versatile educational tool in SL. The book has full animations and sound including opening, turning pages and closing the book. The educational value is the ability to fully modify color, textures and size of the book. To add your own pages you select the book and edit, then go to the contents tab and add your textures. These textures will become the pages of the book. Once your book is made you can transfer it or leave it around for everyone to look at.
When searching for the THiNC Book, I found another useful tool that works in conjunction with the THiNC Book. The THiNC Printing Press (shown below) allows you to create exact replications of your THiNC Book for unlimited distribution.
THiNC Printing Press (image retrieved Feb.3/08 from: http://thincsl.com/category/products/)
The THiNC Printing Press allows the author of a THiNC Book to publish exact copies of their book with no modify but copy and transfer rights (if given by author).
The third item I found from THiNC SL is the THiNC BiG Display System (shown below).
THiNC BiG Display System (image retrieved Feb.3/08 from: http://thincsl.com/category/products/)
The display system is an educational tool that displays images on up to four separate screens at one time. The images are loaded into the system's inventory (contents folder). The images can then be controlled as to which screen displays each image. I see this tool very useful for independent or self directed learning.
If you would like to see any of this equipment in action, drop by the ECMM building on the U of S property in SL and I will be glad to show you.
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11 years ago