Monday, January 14, 2008

The ECMM Request for Space in SL

Everything is beginning to fit into place. The U of S now has land in Second Life. Dr. Rick Schwier has approved an 805 independent study course where I will develop a home in SL for Educational Technology and Communication (ECMM) on the U of S property. The ECMM space will then hopefully encourage courses to be developed to make use of the space and begin research within this 3D immersive world.

The first step in getting some space for ECMM was to provide Frank Bulk (U of S TEL Program Manager) at the University Learning Centre with a request for space. The request for space (shown below) was put together and then passed on to Dr. Rick Schwier to approve. The request was then sent on to Frank Bulk to see if ECMM would be able to get some space on the U of S property.

Request for ECMM Space to Develop on U of S SL Property

The purpose of this request is to develop a space in Second Life dedicated to ECMM for:

  1. conducting research and development within 3D immersive worlds
  2. increasing awareness and understanding of educational potential
  3. conducting distance education
  4. conducting training workshops
  5. conducting graduate level courses
  6. increasing skills in using the interface, building, and instructing
  7. creating a demo-lab and club house

Type of Structure:
In the early stages of designing, the vision of the ECMM structure is to include group meeting space and office space. As this space evolves it will surely be used for many exciting and innovative objectives.

Group meeting space in SL will provide many of the same uses as real life meeting space. Dedicated space will allow for a SLURL to be given to users in order to teleport directly to the ECMM location. The group meeting space will provide ECMM with space for groups to gather and collaborate in SL. Some uses of the group meeting space may include presentations, lectures, group meetings, workshops and conferences. This space will be mostly open space with seats, tables and educational tools and resources.

Office space for ECMM will provide space for members to use when working in SL. Office space will allow faculty to have allocated space for office hours to meet with students. This space will also be used to conduct research and development in a somewhat private environment. This space will be a little more private, possibly including enclosed rooms.

Size of Structure:
The space requested for ECMM should allow for both group meeting space and office space. The meeting space should be large enough to accommodate 15-20 avatars, seats, tables and presentation screens. The office space should be large enough to develop 4 or 5 offices large enough to hold 3 avatars and some office furniture.

Number of Students Served:
Student’s involvement with the ECMM structure will be at all stages. Students will first be involved with the design and development of the space. Students will then be involved in the research and development of educational uses for the space. Students will then make use of the space for education and training through distance education. It is unclear how many students this will include at this time. If SL continues to grow it may become a valuable platform for providing distance education for both ECMM and the University of Saskatchewan.

Resources Provided:
-limited building knowledge (this skill will increase with the construction of the ECMM space)
-limited knowledge and understanding of some educational resources used in SL
-general understanding of avatar movement, vision, inventory, and other basic functions of SL
-limited knowledge of integrating SL with a Moodle platform through Sloodle to provide access to CMS functions in-world

Resources Required:
-graphic support
-scripting support
-technical support
-building/design support
-live streaming from RL to SL support
-Sloodle support

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kirk.
I can hardly wait to learn how to use this space!